Mastering Confident Interviewing

Mastering Confident Interviewing

First impressions matter! With some studies indicating that first impressions can be established within the first 30 seconds to 5 minutes of interaction. Speaking with confidence about your skills and experience is key. But what if nerves get the best of you?

This blog will explore how you can develop your confidence, after all, it is a skill that can be learned. Here are some great tips for interviewing success.

Practice Out Loud

Practice, practice, practice! Don’t just plan what to say in your head—you need to practice speaking your responses aloud. This will help you stop tripping over your words, refine your answers, and build confidence in articulating your thoughts under pressure.

Record Yourself

Most people hate to see or hear themselves on camera (I’m one of them!), but recording your practice sessions allows you to review and improve your speaking style. Pay attention to your tone, pace, and body language to make necessary adjustments.

Eliminate Filler Words

Minimise the use of filler words like “um” and “uh.” Instead, pause briefly to gather your thoughts. This not only sounds more confident but also gives you time to convey your message clearly. Having a pause before answering your questions is interpreted as providing a thoughtful answer, so don’t feel pressured to fill the gaps.

Focus on Facts

Hate talking about yourself? It doesn’t come naturally, so instead, focus on the facts. Speak confidently by emphasising your achievements and experiences with concrete examples. Avoid phrases like “I believe” and “I think” and instead state facts and accomplishments.

Own Your Accomplishments

Take pride in your achievements and be prepared to talk about them confidently. Use “I” statements to highlight your individual contributions and skills.

Know Your Value

Identify your unique strengths and qualities that make you stand out as a candidate. Referencing your accomplishments and strengths during the interview reinforces your confidence and credibility. Make a list of these skills, practice your answers, and create a cheat sheet of examples you can talk to.

Use Storytelling

Share relevant stories to illustrate your skills and experiences. Stories are memorable and engaging, helping you connect with the interviewer and leave a lasting impression. The key to using this method is to maintain a structure: start with a brief statement that outlines the key point, then talk through the details and focus on your contributions. Finally, close by reinforcing your contribution to the solution.

Avoid Rambling

Keep your responses concise and focused. Practice delivering clear and succinct answers to common interview questions within a reasonable timeframe.

Address Skills Gaps Positively

If you’re applying for a promotion or making a change in career or industry, you’re unlikely to have all the listed skills and experience in the job description—but that’s okay! Instead of dwelling on what you lack, emphasise your relevant skills and experiences. Pivot the conversation towards your strengths and what you bring to the table. This can include discussing your transferable skills and any thoughts you’ve had on how you plan to address the gaps.

Positive Body Language

Nonverbal cues such as eye contact, posture, and hand gestures play a crucial role in conveying confidence. Maintain an open and engaged posture to project confidence and professionalism. Not sure where to start? Check out some resources on YouTube, including the TED Talk “Your Body Language May Shape Who You Are” by Amy Cuddy.

Ask Engaging Questions

Prepare thoughtful questions to ask the interviewer during the interview. This demonstrates your interest in the role and company, showcasing your confidence and curiosity. Key tip—don’t ask something you can find on Google. Make sure you’ve done your interview preparation and create a list of questions that show your interest in the role.

Visualise Success

All good athletes do this – so can you! Before the interview, visualise yourself performing confidently and successfully. Visualising positive outcomes can help alleviate nervousness and boost your confidence levels on the big day. 

Further Reading:

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